Cross-Modal Categorisation of User-Generated Video Sequences


This paper describes the possibilities of cross-modal classification of multimedia documents in social media platforms.  Our framework predicts the user-chosen category of consumer-produced video sequences based on their textual and visual features.  These text resources---includes metadata and automatic speech recognition transcripts---are represented as bags of words and the video content is represented as a bag of clustered local visual features. The contribution of the different modalities is investigated and how they should be combined if sequences lack certain resources. Therefore, several classification methods are evaluated, varying the resources. The paper shows an approach that achieves a mean average precision of 0.3977 using user-contributed metadata in combination with clustered SURF.


Sebastian Schmiedeke , Pascal Kelm, and Thomas Sikora

Sebastian Schmiedeke, Pascal Kelm and Thomas Sikora. Cross-Modal Categorisation of User-Generated Video Sequences. Proceedings of the ACM Intl. Conf. on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), 2012.

via ACM
Warning: file_get_contents( failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 523 in C:\www\blip.tv_genre\player.php on line 31 Categorisation of webvideos


This demonstrator shows a random video of the Genre Tagging dataset.  

ASR Transcripts: 4.317% (sports)
Metadata: 100% (sports)
Visual features: 7.692% (default_category)
Fusion: 100% (sports)
Ground truth: sports

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We would like to acknowledge the 2011 Genre Tagging Task of the MediaEval Multimedia Benchmark for providing the data used in this research. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's FP7 under grant agreement number 216444 (NoE PetaMedia) and 261743 (NoE VideoSense).

Comments and questions to schmiedeke[a]